American Academy of Nursing Fellowship 2025 Application
Welcome to the American Academy of Nursing's (Academy) Fellowship application portal. Thank you for your interest in applying to become an Academy Fellow. Before you begin please review the application requirements and selection criteria on the Academy's website to ensure the successful completion of your Fellowship application.
Online Submission Instructions:
The application and sponsor statements will be completed in the secure application portal, payment will be processed within your existing or newly created Academy profile. Once your application is submitted, you will be directed to the Academy's main website to process a non-refundable application fee payment to finalize your submission. You can save your application as you go and update it in the portal as needed before the submission deadline. For additional guidance on how to use this application portal, please refer to the technical assistance webinar.
The deadline for submission is Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, 11:59 PM EST. No late entries will be accepted. Please reach out to Claire Holland, Member Engagement Manager, at cholland@aannet.org with questions or concerns.
Step 1: Click "Start Application" at the bottom of the page and you will be directed to create or login into your Academy account.
Step 2: You will be directed to begin your Fellowship application, which consists of four sections:
- Complete Section 1: Applicant Information, enter your contact information and your professional nursing association affiliation. Click “Save and Next” to proceed to Section 2.
- Complete Section 2: Applicant Statements, enter your responses to the applicant questions. Click “Save and Next” to proceed to Section 3.
- Complete Section 3: Curriculum Vitae, use the template provided to add relevant background information which can be sourced from your curriculum vitae (CV), resume, or biosketch. For more details about the CV template, please refer to the application guide. Click “Save and Next” to proceed to section 4. Please make sure your CV information substantiates the information contained in your applicant statements. Please review the Academy's Ethics and Code of Conduct policy on professional integrity.
- Complete Section 4: Sponsor Information, enter in your sponsor statements and select your two sponsors who must be Academy Fellows in good standing.
- Complete Section 5: Application Certification, agree to the applicant attestation and acknowledge the conditions of acceptance while submitting your electronic signature.
Step 3: Once you have completed the Sponsor Information section, click “Submit and Pay” to submit your application and pay the required $375 non-refundable application fee. Please note that in order to pay the application fee, you will be directed to the Academy’s main website to securely pay and process your application fee payment.
Please note, once you click "Submit and Pay" you will no longer be able to revise your application.
Additional Guidance:
Decision notification emails will be sent to all applicants by mid-to-late June 2025. Please reach out to Claire Holland, as listed above if you have further questions or concerns regarding this process.